31 July 2012

Breda to Amsterdam. Part 1

So my plan was to cycle from Breda to Den Hague. I entered all the details on my Garmin and with a very good mood left Breda.

Recycling company near Breda.

Soon my navigation started making strange things. First it wanted me cycle on one direction and a minute later to completely opposite way. I have checked Google Maps the day before and from Breda to Den Hague was only 80km. My Garmin wanted me cycle more then 120!? 

I was trying make my route myself but later decided just not going to Den Hague and cycle straight to the Amsterdam.

The way my Garmin shows me I wave to cycle was very strange but I have decided that maybe most beautiful roads at all Holland are waiting for me.

Small break. And my energy beer on top of the saddle.

Sports shop.

Lost tourists from France.

They were looking for a place to stay for a lunch. I told the ride South. Always better go South.
Why then I cycling up North? 

Military base.

Translating from Dutch: Military zone. Tourists are Not welcome!

Staying on my budget. My pancakes from the Lidl only 1.50 euro for a 10.

Horn monument.

After some time I have arrived to Tilburg.

Train station.

Some roads were closed because of the carnival  or maybe something else was happening.

Private zoo.

Just a nice house.

Oh... my favorites from the all day.
Scarecrow parade next to Ojsterwijk village.

so cool.


 I was somewhere here.

Little break.

Cool bricks.

Some monument.

427+1240 km

Some kilometres later heavy rain started.

And I had to hide at the bus stop.

 Sky roof view.

I have decided that I cycled enough for that day and started looking for a camping places. According my Garmin one of them supposed to be just right here....
Not your day my Garmin :(

Second attempt was a bit better but I still had to cycle another 4km to get to the place.

Bedas Hofke. My new home for one night. 8.50 euro with a shower but no free internet.

Looks like I was the only young person at this camping. 

That evening was opening  Olympic day at London. I have watched a bit and went to sleep.

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